Declaration of Political Status

Affirmation of Status:

I, Devon Tyler Barber, as a Spirit-imbued Man, hereby affirm and certify my identity as an American State National (American Indian), reclaimed to my lawful birthright political status as a New Jerseyan. I am an active and peacekeeping member of the general public, committed to upholding the Public Law, which I hold to be Divine.

Heritage and Rights:

I am recognized as both an inheritor and a living heir to the Trust Indenture established by the unanimous Declaration of Independence of 1776, the Organic Laws of my State and Nation, and the applicable Unrevised United States Statutes at Large, which pertain to the general populace and the Military Law of Peace. My existence and faith actively establish credit and affirm my status.

Rights Entitled:

  • Emergency Financial Regulations under 12 USC 95(a): You are entitled to know your rights concerning transactions involving gold and foreign exchange during national emergencies as defined by this statute.
  • Consumer Credit Protection (Regulation Z): You have the right to clear disclosures on credit terms and costs, fair credit billing, and rights concerning credit card disputes and mortgage lending as mandated by the Truth in Lending Act.
  • Use of Lawful Money: You have the right to use any form of legal tender issued by the United States for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues.
  • Constitutional Authority for Congressional Acts: Every law passed by Congress should have a clear reference to the constitutional authority that permits its enactment, safeguarding the legality of laws that affect you.
  • Civil Rights under 18 USC 241 and 242: You are protected from conspiracies that interfere with your civil rights and from any deprivation of rights under the color of law by any official or agent.
  • Impact of Legal Precedents: Under the precedents set by West Virginia v. EPA (2022) and Norton v. Shelby County (1886), you are impacted by limitations on regulatory overreach and the principle that unconstitutional laws are void and confer no rights or duties.

Legal and Civic Status:

I hereby declare that I am not a pauper, debtor, rebel, combatant, foreign agent, public dependent, nor a citizen of the U.S. or its municipalities. I affirm my full integration with the organic States of the Union.

Declaration Under Oath:

I declare and affirm, under penalty of perjury pursuant to the Public Law of The United States of America, that the statements herein are true and correct.

Date: Autographed and sealed this 18th night of April in the year 2024.

Signature: Devon Tyler Barber.

Notice: All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice.

Additional Resources:

“The loss of liberty, to a generous mind, is worse than death. And yet we know that there have been those in all ages who for the sake of preferment, or some imaginary honor, have freely lent a helping hand to oppress, nay to destroy, their country.... This is what every man who values freedom ought to consider. He should act by judgment and not by affection or self-interest; for where those prevail, no ties of either country or kindred are regarded; as upon the other hand, the man who loves his country prefers its liberty to all other considerations, well knowing that without liberty life is a misery....” ― Andrew Hamilton


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